You can’t design love, Your Relationship Last but you can determine the magnitude of love through a spectacular design. A new study (led by Shrikanth Narayanan and Panayiotis Georgiou, faculty members from the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering, Md Nasir, their doctoral student, and also collaborator Brian Baucom of the University of Utah) found that the tonality of the way couples talk to each other can be a predictor of the quality of their relationship.
Md Nasir stated in a press release, “What you say is not the only thing that matters. What really matters is how you say it.” While words may be deceiving, tone of voice is much harder to hide. The researchers who conducted the study developed a computer algorithm that recorded 74.1 percent success in predicting whether couples would still be together after five years. This algorithm combines the calculations of various acoustic elements, including pitch and intensity.
The experts then used samples from hundreds of recorded conversations in marriage therapy sessions. More than 100 pairs were studied over two years. Over the next five years, the researchers periodically followed up with the couples through surveys and questionnaires, and found that couples who exhibited higher pitch , greater intensity, more jitter , and louder sound quality when talking to their partner were more likely to split.
Astonishing Accuracy
So, how does the tone of voice of your partner predict whether your relationship will last at least five years? While it’s unclear whether louder tone of voice leads to a weaker relationship, or whether louder tone of voice is an indicator of a weak relationship, it’s a pretty good bet to believe in both hypotheses. Henceforth, pitch , intensity, jitter, as well as different acoustic features review all count towards measuring agitation (restlessness) – and agitation itself can give you a good idea of how you see your partner. A higher level of agitation will indicate that you see your partner as a threat, or have entrenched negative perceptions of them. A lower level of agitation shows that you feel comfortable in your partner’s presence.
This finding is similar to that found by John Gottman and Robert Levenson in their The Love Lab experiment in 1986. The Love Lab was founded at the University of Washington to study the reactions of couples during their interactions with each other. Thousands of couples were invited, and their physiological activity was measured during the interview. They were asked about their relationship, and were further asked to talk about the good time they had and serious disagreements that had not been resolved.
The results showed that the higher the physiological activity of the couples in The Love Lab , the shorter their relationship lasted. Basically, couples who have higher levels of physiological activity show symptoms of a “fight or flight” response. This is triggered by them becoming more stressed and agitated when talking to their partners. The results showed that couples. Who felt uncomfortable in each other’s presence. Due to a series of negative responses were more likely to have a failed relationship.
Another piece of research, published in Psychological Science. The journal of the Association for Psychological Science, further sheds light on these findings. Researchers use word relationships to express dating group conscious perceptions. That partners have of one another. Study researcher Ronald D. Rogge explained. That this test is different from people. Who rely on direct responses from partners about. How they feel, because it doesn’t “[assume] that they are aware of how happy they are, (as) that isn’t always the case.” .” He also stated that “a lot of people don’t want to tell you if they’re starting to feel unhappy in their relationship.”
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The University of Rochester study involved more than two hundred volunteers. With each volunteer providing their partner’s first name and two words relevant to their partner. The study then involved two tests. The first require volunteers to respond to good words and words relate to a partner, and. The second required volunteers to respond to bad words and words related to a partner. The combined test results found individuals’ emotional responses to. Those words and how easily they found a correlation between. Their partner’s good and bad things. Those who more easily correlate their partners with bad things. Show more negative perceptions of their partners, and have less successful relationships.
So that’s what you have. Your emotional reaction shows. How you really feel in your awareness of your partner. Your tone of voice should be a good indicator. So be careful, and you might discover something about your relationship. That you didn’t know you had. Also, it’s generally a good idea to speak to your partner in a more affectionate and gentle tone.
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